They really do! Hannah was being really funny in the car this morning, so I decided to post some of my most favorite quotes of hers.
1. (I am calling her pretty.) "I not pretty, I Hannah!!!" She is clearly angered by the fact that I have forgotten her name.
2. "But I'm still sleepy!" This is when I am trying to wake her up in the morning. It would be very sweet and charming and almost make me feel bad for her if she hadn't had me up half of the night telling me that she wanted fruit snacks, and she missed Leslie, and that she needed to paint.
3. "You wong!" meaning "You're wrong!" I don't remember what I was wrong about, but it was really funny because when she said "wong" I said "wong" and then she was yelling "wong" at me because I was mispronouncing the word!
4. "I have glue in my eye!" There was no glue in her eye. She was in her carseat on the highway with no glue in sight.
5. "I miss papa's pop..." She sounded very depressed about this.
That is my small list for now. There will be more to come!